Stuff the Bus

BANNER: Stuff the Bus

2 News partnered with NSU to 'Stuff the Bus' to take donations for the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma — all to make sure Green Country children have enough to eat when school lets out for the summer. With your generous donations we were able to collect over a thousand pounds of non-perishable food items, that's enough to provide 10,298 meals, and over $2300 in monetary donations!

Why 'Stuff the Bus' is important:

Right now, 16% of Oklahomans struggle with hunger and food insecurity. Soon Oklahoma could have the highest rate of child food insecurity in the nation according to the USDA.

Not only that, food bank donations drop when food and transportation costs rise— both of which are happening right now.

Families are struggling more than ever as food prices continue to rise as well as other necessities.

So, how can you help?

Bring canned food donations to the 2 News studios at 3701 S Peoria on May 15th from 8a to 5p.

You can make a monetary donation—> HERE

Wondering what they need? 2 News talked to the Food Bank about their most needed items:

PHOTO: Stuff the Bus needs