

The latest on Ebola, where is Kim Jong-Un and a cure for 'hyper-parenting'

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There’s several items of very concerning news about the Ebola virus that developed over the weekend. A worker who helped take care of Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian man who developed Ebola symptoms in Dallas and later died, has tested positive for the virus, the Los Angeles Times reports.
Thousands of miles away, there’s another possible case being investigated in Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Jeremy C. Fox and M.G. Lee of the Boston Globe reportthat though physicians caring for the man say the chances are low he will test positive for the deadly virus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned over the weekend that Americans should expect to see more cases develop in the nation.
CDC Director Thomas Frieden spoke in Dallas on Saturday when he told reporters, “unfortunately it is possible in the coming days that we will see additional cases of Ebola.”
The most mystifying subject in international affairs is North Korea, and what could be happening with Kim Jung Un. The 31 year old grand-pooba of the world’s most locked-down, authoritarian, and frankly, scary regime, hasn’t appeared in public since early September. 
President Obama’s National Security Advisor appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press over the weekend to add almost nothing to the subject, except to say that “We have not seen any indications of a transfer of power at this point in North Korea that we view as definitive, but we'll continue to watch it carefully.”
So why do we recommend it to you? Because you can bet the rest of Washington is watching this story -- especially since North Korea has declared itself the newest member of the world’s small club of nuclear powers -- and it’ll almost certainly be a hot topic in the months to come.
Finally, with gems like  “seize windows of freedom joyfully, without guilt,” and “don’t just parent for the future, parent for this evening,” Pamela Druckerman’s opinion piece in the New York Times, “A Cure for Hyper-Parenting” is a must-read, especially for my fellow working parents.