

Burglar breaks into South Tulsa apartment, threatens to ruin family's Christmas

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TULSA - The Dahlgren family takes Christmas very seriously, but refuses to let a little bad luck ruin their holiday. 

Their lights bring cheer to a dark front porch; but unfortunately there were no sleigh bells ringing when someone broke into their home last week. 

"I looked to the right and I saw my curtains were pulled, and my blinds were pulled up," said South Tulsa resident Emily Dahlgren.

But her blinds, usually shut, weren't enough to make her panic until she left and came back.

"My oldest daughter came to me just hysterically crying because her wallet she had that she put all of her savings in, was missing."

She rushed to her nightstand to also find her savings gone. 

"At that point I knew the feeling I had earlier about, somebody had been in my house, was real."

They found clothes, jewelry, every Rustic Cuff bracelet, even shampoo, gone. 

The locks on their doors beat up. 

"I felt like somebody was watching us and I just didn't feel safe," said Emily's daughter Rylee Dahlgren.

The discomfort was in the details. 

"There's usually never hangers in a tree, they're supposed to be in a closet."

And a flower pulled form a vase placed on her window ledge.

"Leave a light on, leave a TV on, so it sounds like someone's home," said Tulsa Police Officer Jeanne Mackenzie. 

TPD expects these crimes this time of year, encouraging people to take their own precautions.

"Why'd you have to do it close to Christmas?" Rylee asked.

Emily looking to her carefully decorated tree without presents, wondering how this could hurt her girls' holiday. 

Now protecting them with security, and the prayer that God will help out too.

"I forgive them. I mean, they probably needed it more than me. So I just hope that they don't hurt any other families, make any other families feel unsafe, and I forgive them." 

Tulsa Police have not arrested a suspect in this burglary, but ask anyone with information on the burglary at apartments near 81st and Yale, call Crime Stoppers at (918) 596- COPS.

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