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State, federal agencies are 'ready' for potential unrest ahead of inauguration

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TULSA, Okla. — Law enforcement across the country are on notice to be prepared for civil unrest as we get closer to Inauguration Day. That warning came from the FBI. The agency advised local police to watch for potential protests at government buildings.

The advice does not necessarily mean there will be violence if protests do happen. The agency wants local police prepared so what happened at the U.S. Capitol does not happen again.

“We are seeing more and more violent civil unrest than I've witnessed and seen in my lifetime,” said Andrew Scott, a retired police officer with 30 years of law enforcement experience.

Scott and so many others hope there is not a repeat attack.

“I don’t think we’re going to see a mass, national civil disorder predicated upon president-elect Biden’s inauguration,” Scott said. However, he does not discount the probability people could disrupt future protests which start peacefully.

The U.S. National Guard continues to move into Washington D.C. in support of the inauguration, but they are currently not tracking anything they would need a show of force for in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Highway Patrol’s director of media operations said they are keeping watch and are ready with extra personnel. The state agency is also working with the governor’s office on safety and security.

"The Oklahoma Highway Patrol closely monitors national and state activities that involve the protection of government facilities. We continue to work with the Governor’s Office as well as House and Senate leadership regarding the safety and security of the public, state employees, elected officials, and government facilities. Anytime there is a large, planned event at the capitol, we are ready with extra personnel."
Sarah Stewart, Director of Media Operations

The governor’s chief of communications said they are monitoring and taking appropriate measures.

"We have been monitoring the situation and are taking the appropriate measures. The governor has consistently supported the right to peaceful demonstration but there is no place for violence or damage to property. We will protect the rights of Oklahomans while maintaining public safety.”
Charlie Hannema, Chief of Communications
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