TULSA, Okla. — An area foundation is looking to educate families on the importance of real food and how it affects our bodies.
A Bigger Table Foundation in Bixby is looking to engage classrooms across Green Country. Founder Kat Robinson told 2 News Anchor Cori Duke she wants to show families what fresh and locally grown produce looks like, tastes like, and how it can change the way we feel.
She said statistics show the western diet contributes to a lot of sickness. In fact, of the seven most common causes of death in the U.S., four are caused by diet. Robinson said education about the food you eat can change that.
“We have all just thought that grocery stores is where food comes from and that we can eat anything that comes from a drive-thru, and that has led to obesity and people having all kinds of illness that we don't need to have,” Robinson said.
In the last year, a Bigger Table Foundation has hosted 2,500 kids at the ranch to experience authentic food firsthand. Robinson said kids are learning where food comes from and how to grow it themselves.
“We come into classrooms, and we do two or three separate classes, and it’s about a half hour,” she said. “They get to start a plant and keep all of that, and we tell them how to take care of it. And then, in the Spring we're going to come into these same classrooms, and they get to start things for their own school gardens."
A Bigger Table held its first fundraiser last year and is looking forward to its second on February 21. All proceeds go toward educating students and the community on clean eating.
If you're interested in attending and eating a locally grown meal, you can visit https://www.abiggertable.foundation/fundraiser
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