

Cimarron Towers residents thankful for Red Cross shelter

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CUSHING, Okla. -- Sunday night more than a dozen Cushing residents filled the temporary Red Cross shelter at the Cushing Youth Center. Mostly all were from the assisted living facility down the street.  

More than 17 people are filled the cots at the Cushing Youth Center Monday night. 

Sitting outside the shelter, Reuben Harrison is thankful someone turned off his stove last night. 

"I had a pot of beans on," he said. "I was lucky one of my friends cut if off. I bet them all smelling good now."

Harrison lives on the second floor off the Cimarron Tower. It's a seven floor assisted living facility. Sunday night, every floor was evacuated. 

"It sounded like a big ole bomb just went off," Harrison said. 

The 5.0 earthquake not only rattled the city of Cushing, but Harrison himself.

"Just bam!" the Cimarron Tower resident said. "We thought it was a terrorist attack, but when the ground starting shaking we thought it was an earthquake for real."

Caution tape now surrounds the brick building. The awning is ripped and brick from the seventh floor is now on the sidewalk. 

"We had to walk down seven stories and we all loaded up into a little bus they had and they brought us here," Cimarron Tower resident Danny Williams said. 

Both men now have a place to sleep at the temporary Red Cross shelter. It houses those who can't live at home due to damage from the earthquake.

"I'm grateful, very grateful," Williams said.

Those staying at the shelter are lending a hand to those who come through the door. They say they're thankful they're at the Red Cross was able to come in and assist those who needed help. 

The shelter still isn't at its capacity. It will be open as long as their is a need. 

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