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Claremore church giving back to storm victims

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CLAREMORE, Okla. — Multiple states are still reeling after the historic tornado outbreak earlier this week. And one local pastor is using his emergency response background to help storm victims in Kentucky.

The goal of the First Methodist Church in Claremore is to fill a large trailer full of supplies for tornado victims.

Pastor Tim McHugh told 2 News after visiting Kentucky and seeing the damage, they really need help.

“The destruction was just, there were bricks thrown all over the place, there was a semi that was knocked over on its side. Things were up in trees, it was unbelievable,” said McHugh.

After a trip to Mayfield, one of the hardest-hit areas in the storms, McHugh used his background to help his FUMC give back to the victims.

“They need groceries, they need bulk food items. Number 6 cans, big cans of vegetables, things like that. They need foil pans, anything that can keep people ready for the winter," said McHugh.

Electric space heaters, generators, and cans of gas and diesel are also needed.

He said donations are starting to pour in. And despite the disaster, the community isn't giving up.

“They’re just helping. I mean there’s communities, you drive in and there’s people just helping. Nobody is complaining, nobody is griping, they’re just helping. It’s unreal.” said McHugh.

He said clothes and water aren't needed right now but if clothes are given, he asks they be in packs and easily handed out so volunteers don't have to spend time sorting through clothes.

If you'd like to donate, visit their website.

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