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COVID-19 quarantine protocols in schools

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TULSA, Okla. — School districts have rolled out COVID-19 safety plans, but each has different quarantine protocols.

2 News Oklahoma checked with area school districts to better understand their policies and talked with one Broken Arrow parent who wanted to better understand whether quarantine would impact her daughter’s attendance.

Juliana Sandridge and her daughter got tested for COVID-19.

“I tested positive, she tested negative,” Sandridge said.

Although her daughter tested negative, she said the doctor asked both of them to quarantine.

“She was very firm on a ten-day quarantine for both of us, you know, don’t go anywhere, don’t be in the community, don’t be at school,” Sandridge said.

Her daughter is in the 9th grade and early college high school student in Broken Arrow.

Although she tested negative, she doesn’t feel comfortable sending her back to the classroom.

“If she’s unexcused or not going to send her to school with the possibility that she could go and infect a bunch of children and they could take it home to their grandparent or a parent who has some kind of ….who could be really sick or die. I don’t want that on my hands, I don’t want to be responsible,” Juliana Sandridge said.

Her daughter will be retested Friday and at the ten day mark. Meanwhile, she said the school asked her to provide a doctor’s note verifying her daughter needed to be quarantined for 10 days.

“They told me that she would be excused for Monday and excused for Tuesday because she went to the doctor that was the only days she would be excused for, that they couldn’t excuse her for me being positive for COVID, that that’s not their guidelines,” Sandridge said.

The spokesman for the district said students who have a confirmed positive case or exposure to COVID-19 may request homebase distance learning for the length of the quarantine period.

He said the student would only be counted absent if they are not completing the distance learning assignments.

Tulsa Public Schools said if a student is at home for any COVID-19 reason, the student will be placed on remote learning. During remote learning, the student is expected to complete their virtual work.

However, students must complete a touch point with their teachers to not be counted absent. Those touch points are assigned by their teachers.

Jenks PUblic Schools said students who come into close contact with COVID-19 positive individuals should self monitor for symptoms and may return to school or self-quarantine with no attendance penalty. Students who choose to self-quarantine will follow make-up work policy, which is in the student/parent handbook.

Union School District said if the student needs to quarantine due to exposure, they do not have an attendance code that excuses their absence.

For more details about your schools COVID-19, you can visit your school district’s website.

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