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Daylight Saving vs. Standard Time


TULSA, Okla. — As our bodies continue adjusting to the recent time change, congress and Oklahoma lawmakers have proposed legislation to stick to one year-round system.

The only problem, Congress is pushing for Daylight Saving Time, while Oklahoma considers Standard Time.

Experts say Daylight Saving Time is better for business, but it can cost your health.

To keep changing the clocks twice a year or not?

That's the question up for debate in Congress and among state lawmakers.

The U.S. Senate passed the Sunshine Protection Act of 2021 last week.

The bill would make daylight saving time permanent across the U.S.

In Oklahoma, Daylight saving time year-round would mean darker mornings.

“Our body clock isn’t going to adjust to that well, just practically speaking, children are going to be in the bus stop in the dark time, in the darkness,” Dr. Richard Bregman, sleep specialist with St. Francis Health System said.

Dr. Bregman said even Standard Time year-round leads to more darker evenings, which could also present other health challenges.

“There’s increased incidents of depression during the winter months because there is less daylight,” Dr. Bregman said.

So, which of the two is the better option?

It's a question many have been trying to answer for years. The short answer, it depends on where you live and who you ask.

Oklahoma State Representative, Kevin West, introduced House Bill 3146, which would allow voters to decide whether to get rid of daylight saving time and just stick with standard time.

“There’s advantages and disadvantages for each, but I personally think there’s more disadvantages to year-round daylight saving,” Dr. Bregman said.

The bill that's in congress right now to keep daylight saving time would still require house approval and the president's signature to become law.

Even if the law is changed at the federal level, the author of the bill to keep standard time in Oklahoma said it doesn't matter what congress does.

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