
Dogs rescued Wednesday from icy creek reunited with owners

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TULSA -- It's a happy ending for the pooches rescued Wednesday from an icy pond. Both the black pitbull, Dutchess, and German shepherd are back at home with their owners.

Nick Swainston was making his rounds Wednesday morning when something unusual caught his eye.

"It was like Bambi when he was born couldn't get his sea legs from under him and decided it was too afraid to move anywhere," said Nick Swainston, Fire Equipment Operator with the Tulsa fire department.
A German shepherd was trotting along the ice on Mingo creek, but the pitbull was scared to death, not moving an inch.
"I had some chicken that I tried to toss out as far as I could out on the ice but she wasn't interested in that," said Swainston.
The shepherd walked back on land but the pitbull stayed in the middle. Swainston decided to call the Rescue Task Force.
"You can hear the ice cracking the whole time these guys were out on the ice," said Swainston.
After crews reached the pup she slowly walked to the side of the banana boat and they brought her back to safety.
"She was just wagging her tail and happy to be off the ice and I can only imagine," said Swainston.
Swainston being a dog person became attached. He even put his name down to adopt both pups if they didn't have owners.
"I lost my shepherd in September, it was a male shepherd and I think they would’ve been a great addition," said Swainston.
What seemed like a small act, is now getting massive attention on social media.
"Between Facebook and Twitter over 500,000 views so it’s a pretty humbling experience for all of us," said Captain Justin Flake with the Tulsa fire department.
Proving a simple act of kindness goes a long way.
"They are other people’s children, they don’t know they’re helpless until you get out there and help them," said Swainston.
Dutchess's family plans to meet with the firefighters this weekend to thank them for rescuing their pup.


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