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DVIS, Tulsa police unveil new SA exam space providing care to more survivors

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TULSA, Okla. — Sexual assault survivors have a new, comfortable space to receive care following an attack.

Domestic Violence Intervention Services, Tulsa police, and nurses are collaborating to operate the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) room.

This comes one year after an anonymous donation last year to completely remodel the exam office.

The old space, Sexual Assault Advocate Heather Williams said, was limiting. It had one room to work with and wasn't conducive to administering immediate care.

“We would have two or three people, victims, who have not only been traumatized, but now they have to wait even longer for us to care for them," said Williams. "We were having to make them wait, and one exam can take three to five hours so you can imagine how long that could take.”

In their new office, nurses have three exam rooms.
They even designated one room as a pediatric space to make the ordeal less traumatic for young survivors. The room is painted light blue with stickers everywhere and a stuffed animal corner for comfort.

"Unfortunately it’s a necessary evil that we have to have it, kids are victimized," said Williams. "So at least here, their eyes light up; it’s almost like they forget about what they’ve just been through, you know when they walk in here.”

As for the importance of getting an exam after an assault, Williams said it gives a survivor options.

“They never come in wishing that they hadn’t reported it. They come in wishing that they had, so at least doing it as a non-report, they can preserve that evidence.”

Tulsa Police Department's Forensic Nurse Administrator Kasey Magness said survivors come to the SANE room in a variety of stages after an assault.
"We want to make sure our patients are, number one, safe," said Magness. "It’s so important for them to be able to come in and understand they have a nice clean area to where they can tell their story, they’re supported, and know they’re safe.”

Providing an inviting space that is inviting and comfortable, Magness believes, will allow more survivors to receive the care they need as they need it.

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