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GRDA: lake inflows going down after weekend flooding


With more rain in the forecast, what's the impact going to be for those living near the dams?

At last check, the Grand River Dam Authority said it's taking in less water than it's sending out.

A total of nice flood gates were open at the Pensacola Dam and the spillways at Disney.

That's sending lots of flood water down the Grand river to Lake Hudson and Lake Fort Gibson.

GRDA said its working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to control the flood water releases.

”We just have to bear together and get through these heavy spring rains that we usually see,” said Justin Alberty, a spokesman for GRDA.

If you hear sirens from the dams move out.

GRDA said that's a signal a dam is about to release water either from a flood control gate or a generation facility.

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