

Gun sales on the rise after recent attacks


Gun sales in Green Country have spiked in recent days; local sellers say Black Friday and recent mass shooting attacks are spurring purchases.

Michael Harrell, an employee and instructor at 2A Gun Center in Tulsa said customers are frequently asking for weapons that are small and designed for personal protection.

"They're a little more concerned about their personal defense," he said.

Harrell said some customers have mentioned recent events such as the Paris attacks and San Barnardino shooting as sparking their interest in new purchases.

"Their eyes are kind of opening up a little bit to recent events that cannot only happen overseas, but right here in our backyard," he said.

While some Americans are seeking firearms for personal protection, recent Gallup polls show a majority want laws covering gun sales to be stricter. Fifty-five percent desire tighter gun purchasing laws– up more than eight percent from 2014.

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