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High schoolers recruited to construction jobs


TULSA -- Construction professionals say there is a shortage of workers in their industry and they are trying to recruit high school students to join once they graduate.

Thursday, Home Builders Association hosted their first annual Build My Future job fair. About 1,000 high school students made their way through the Jenks Tulsa Tech Campus getting hands on experience in different fields of the construction industry.

"We have about 8 million job openings in the construction industry right now," Erin Deweese, the CFO of Brian D Wiggs Homes, said. "There is a really good opportunity for these kids to come out of high school, learn a trade and make some really good money."

Skipping the four year college route and getting right into on the job experience is what Beaudree Walts plans to do. He is a junior at Collinsville High School right now. He said he was excited about the job fair.

"A lot of the kids at my church they’re like, 'Why would you want to go to a technical college or community college when you’re so smart?'" Walts said.

The teen said he has a passion for carpentry and plans on doing that after he graduates.

"The way I’ve always been told is if you enjoy what you do working, you never work a day in your life," Walts said.

Seeing students excited about construction is a breath of fresh air for those in the industry because they said if younger people do not start joining, there will be a severe shortage in the future.

"You don’t have layoffs in those industries, especially if you’re good," Congressman Markwayne Mullin, owner of Mullin Inc., said. "You can move anywhere in the country and find a job the day you get there."

Professionals say there is always a need for people in this line of work and there is a large opportunity to own your own business.

Thursday, adults who were interested in switching careers were also invited to the job fair.




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