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Horses hurt in Claremore tornado being cared for at Tulsa's Expo Square


TULSA, Okla. — Stalls at Tulsa's Expo Square are full of visitors from Claremore's Will Rogers Downs after an EF3 tornado hit the city.

The tornado demolished barns, took down fences and forced owners to scramble to find a place to bring their beloved horses.

2 News' went to Will Rogers Downs to see the damage:

Drone footage over Will Rogers Downs after tornado

One horse owner told us her precious horse got really lucky.

"He had a pretty good cut on his knee," said Cindy Dunlap. "I don't exactly know. He was still in his stall but we had to do triage on him yesterday. We cleaned it all up, and he gets antibiotics twice a day. He's on some pain medicine, but overall, he got very lucky."

Dunlap has a deep love for horses, which is why she's been at the forefront in rescuing horses who survived the tornado.

Dunlap's horse is aptly named Encourage — a message many Claremore neighbors are spreading as they clean up debris. She said she's encouraging her horse and the 150 others at the Tulsa Expo Square to keep fighting.

However, she said two had to be euthanized and four others are getting aid from OSU.

Dunlap was staying in the neighborhood RV park when the tornado hit.

She tells me once her husband first saw the damage, she knew she had to do something.

"​When he called me to tell me it's bad, I knew then because those wordings are words a man doesn't say. But when he told me that, I knew it was very, very bad," she said.

Dunlap posted to Facebook asking for volunteers to assess and transport horses to Tulsa. She also asked for donations.

This jump started a multiday operation and an overwhelming amount of support.

Dunlap said she's looking forward to healing and recovery for the animals.

"​They are just getting out. Getting a little exercise," she said. "Stretching their legs, making sure that any sort of body soreness that they have is out and they are getting a shower. Since they were showered with mud and rain."

As for Encourage...

"He's a good boy. He will be back to racing and doing everything he loves back in a few months," Dunlap said.

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