

Mother of Tulsa homicide victim, Julius Templeton, speaks out following shooting

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TULSA -- A north Tulsa mother is crying out to the public, seeking justice for her murdered son.

Sheila Jackson Johnson's son, Julius Templeton, was shot and killed Friday at Mohawk Manor while helping a friend move.

Suspected murdered Stefon Wytch is in jail after turning himself in late Sunday, but Johnson says the journey to heal herself and the community is only beginning.

“I personally don't want another mother to lose their child,” said Johnson. She says her son was known for being kind.

Known as “Juicy,” he was a young kid that was quiet, but always smiling.

“Juicy would do so many things that were fun...but he was still quiet when he was doing them,” she said.

Now Johnson is only left with memories of Julius...and a legacy that lives on in his son, Matthew.

“They got boxes to help a young lady move, and Juicy was like that. Big heart, he got it from his mama,” said Johnson.

Julius died in the hospital after being shot in the chest. Police say their suspect, Wytch, is now charged with first degree murder, but Johnson said her son and the community deserve better.

“We can talk out our differences, we don't have to use guns, we don't have to use our fists. Words are a power in its own,” she said.

Now Johnson and her loved ones are left to mourn a pillar of their family, but she refuses to let hatred seep in.

“There's nothing I can do about my son's passing. Hating him or any family member, or causing harm to him won't bring my baby back,” Johnson said.

Johnson said her mantra is “two wrongs don't make a right.” She said as Wytch's case heads to court, she hopes prosecutors won't seek the death penalty.

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