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Iran nuclear deal update expected this week


TULSA, Okla. — Russia's invasion of Ukraine has cast a shadow over talks to revive the Iran nuclear deal. The deal itself was designed to block Iran's four possible ways to build a nuclear bomb.

An agreement of the accord appeared to be close, until Russia which has stood by Iran, said that its own national interests would have to be taken into account for a deal to go through.

Oklahoma Senator James Lankford is providing an update for Oklahomans on where talks stand this week.

Lankford got on Facebook Live to share his thoughts on what he would want to see in an Iran nuclear deal including:

  • cutting off their access to nuclear weapons
  • ending Iran's terrorist activities
  • maintaining sanctions on terrorists and terrorist groups affiliated with Iran and their supporters
We cannot allow them to have nuclear weapons, nor prepare for that. So what am I looking for in an Iran nuclear deal. Clearly, it does not include a path to a bomb. That’s what the Obama deal included. It had a 10-year pause, but it included a path to the bomb. It cannot allow the Iranians to continue to test their missile systems as they have done for the last several years now, that they have missile systems that are nuclear-capable that they’re testing. That cannot be allowed. They cannot continue their terrorist activities in multiple parts in the world.
Lankford during his Facebook Live

In May 2018, then-President Donald Trump abandoned the joint comprehensive plan of action, calling it "defective at its core."

He then reinstated all U.S. sanctions on Iran that November in an effort to negotiate a replacement that would also curb the country's ballistic missile program. Iran refused and saw its economy tumble into a recession.

Then in 2019, when sanctions were tightened, Iran started breaching the deal's restrictions. By November 2021, the country had amassed a stockpile of enriched uranium, just below the level needed for a bomb.

If the negotiations were to fail and Iran was confirmed to have violated the deal, all U.N. sanctions would automatically "snap back" in place for 10 years, with the possibility of a five-year extension.

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