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‘It changes your perception’: Tulsa group visits Uganda

Uganda mission trip

TULSA, Okla. — From Tulsa to Uganda, a group of local organizations is making a difference more than 8,000 miles away.

They said the best part was exposing the next generation to a life-changing experience.

On any given day, you’ll find 16-year-old Ambrana Wimberly behind the microphone. As a member of the Juice Radio Show, she’s used to making connections.

Uganda mission trip

This summer, she used those skills thousands of miles away. Wimberly spent more than a week in the Ugandan village of Kamuli.

“I never in my 16 years of living thought that I would be going to Africa,” said Wimberly. “It has been the best thing to ever happen to me.”

Several local groups, including World Won Development, took part in the weeklong mission trip. COO of World Won, Damali Wilson, said they helped build a home, flooring in a church and provided clothes and counsel to the village.

Uganda mission trip

“Service is everything,” said Wilson. “What you’re doing for others is really what it’s going to boil down to at the end of the day.”

Wilson says the biggest impact came from seeing the trip through the students' eyes.

With several teens and young adults along for the journey, some who hadn’t traveled before, it was a lesson in broadening their horizons.

Uganda mission trip

“We need to be looking for opportunities to show and engage our kids in things like this,” said Wilson. “Let them see the world because it changes their perspective about who they are and where they are.”

Wimberly said it was a life-changing experience.

“I’m more kind,” said Wimberly. “I’m more caring. I’m more helpful. That’s what I’m basically bringing back is being more open and more helpful to my community.”

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