
It's a popular cause, but victims' rights faces new backlash


OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- California billionaire Henry Nicholas became a fierce advocate for the rights of crime victims after his sister was slain and his mother ran into the accused killer in a grocery store.

He donated millions from his fortune as co-founder of tech giant Broadcom to create a so-called "crime victims' bill of rights," dubbed Marsy's Law. It was added to California's constitution in 2008.

Now Nicholas is taking his crusade nationwide, with lobbyists, public relations firms and high-powered political strategists converging on state capitols for a similar push.

Montana approved it in 2016, but the state's Supreme Court recently tossed it out. It will appear on Oklahoma's ballot in 2018.

Standing up for crime victims is an easy sell politically, but complaints are mounting that the initiative is a testament to the danger of unintended consequences.

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