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IT'S UP TO YOU: River Parks Authority encourages Zink Lake visitors to consider their own safety

Jeff Edwards, River Parks Authority

TULSA, Okla. — Another day closer to the opening of Zink Lake, some around Tulsa think the city’s guidance on water safety does not go far enough.

The city, the River Parks Authority and a host of other agencies have had their hands all over the development of Zink Lake.

Once it opens, the River Parks Authority will be in charge, and in some respects, they’ll take their hands off.

“A public parks and recreation agency can only enforce if we’re present at all times,” River Parks Authority executive director Jeff Edwards said.

The thing is: they won’t be there all the time. They simply don’t have the staff, according to Edwards.

They plan to make general recommendations, and open and close the lake as they see fit. However, once it’s open, it’s in the people’s hands.
“How many people are gonna pay attention to that?” Tulsan Peggy Pianalto said, “How do you tell your kids you can’t go in the water because it might be dirty?”

Edwards says there is too much nuance to give solid guidance. Take E. Coli levels for example. A white water rafter will likely have much more contact with the water than someone just fishing. With that in mind, Edwards tells people to go to the dashboard and make their own decision.

Pianalto isn’t sold.

“I’ve looked at the dashboard, I’ve tried to read the dashboard, I have a cellphone. I can’t figure out the dashboard,” Pianalto said.

Pianalto doesn’t have many plans to get in the water herself, but she’s concerned for those who will.

“I’ve been here a long time. I’ve seen a lot of water rescues out of that water,” Pianalto said.

Leaders in Tulsa hope the lake connects more people with nature. With that, they hope, will come some self-education.

“Do your own research. We’re all familiar with Google,” Edwards said, “Just reach out to those individuals and those representatives that actually have the true data to back up what they’re saying.”

In addition to that, leaders recommend brushing up on water skills before getting in the water at all.

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