
Locals weigh in on if teachers should be able to carry firearms at school

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TULSA -- Teachers are trained how to educate students, but what if that training included firearms?

“If it’s used properly it can be a salvation, if it’s used improperly it can be tragedy,” said Eric Fusion, Manager at 2A Shooting Center.

Fuson thinks teachers should have the choice to carry guns to protect the kids at school.

“In every school there’s going to be some staff member, there’s going to be some person there who is okay with that choice and who is willing to make the training requirements that it would take to be competent in that kind of situation,” said Fuson.

Leaders with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America say that’s not the answer.

“Let’s say they hear a teacher shooting and they see that…then who is the person that’s the bad guy?” said Alyson King, Co-Chapter Leader of the Oklahoma Chapter.

The organization was created after the deadly shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. It pushes for criminal background checks when purchasing firearms outside licensed dealers.

“A lot of gun sales are done on Craigslist, they’re done in the parking lot at a gun show,” said King.

Also, part of the discussion is mental health and drug use.

“There’s many, many, avenues in which you need to look at to find the root of the problem,” said Fuson.

There’s no doubt the topic of gun control pops up after a mass shooting.

But both sides agree something needs to happen.

“I have a very good friend from high school who has two sons that came out of that high school alive yesterday but their lives are forever changed,” said King.

Both sides encourage people to voice their opinions on resolving this issue to their local lawmakers, whether it’s resources for mental health, gun control, or drug abuse.

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