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Mayor Bynum, Sen. Inhofe give statements for Race Massacre centennial

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TULSA, Okla. — Tulsa Mayor GT Bynum and Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe made statements on the 100-year anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre.

In Mayor Bynum's Facebook post, he states the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre "represents the opposite of everything we want our city to be." He also apologizes later in the post for failing "to do right by the victims of the Race Massacre in its aftermath."

Sen. Inhofe tweeted his statement about commemorating the event. He remarks that today is an important time "to honor the victims and their families and share their stories" on the 100-year anniversary.

He also encourages people to "remember, reflect and work towards reconciliation."

READ MORE: Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial

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