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Miracle child making great strides after being only moments from drowning

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It's a modern-day miracle - a 2-year-old regaining brain function after nearly drowning.

A lesson in faith, humility and patience.

That's the perspective of one Green Country family after a tragic near drowning back in July 2017.

Two-year-old Kasen Sparks was found face down in the family pool, his heartbeat lost for nearly an hour.

2 Works for You anchor Cori Duke got to meet the toddler whose miraculous survival is teaching us all what it means to fight. 

"Kasen was crazy, he was wild," his mom Deidrah told 2 Works for You. "He loved to sing and dance."

She is proud to spout some of his accomplishments.

"He could say his ABC's at a year and a half," she said. "He was really great."

A mother speaks of her son in past tense, using the word "was."

And although he sits beside her, he's not the same little boy he was a year ago.

"They found him face down in the middle of the pool," Deidrah remembers.

She says she will never forget the phone call.

"My mom had called me and all she could get out was 'Kasen drowned'.'

Deidrah's heart nearly stopped. She raced to be by her son's side.

"I just parked in the middle of the road and started running toward the ambulance and the ambulance was already taking off," she recalled.

The day still plays fresh in Deidrah's mind.

"We're not exactly sure how long he was without a heartbeat," she remembers the horror. "But we are estimating over 30 minutes to an hour."

It is her faith that's turning away the haunting memories.

"God has been with us through the entire process."

She takes her son out of his stroller and is thankful for a positive outcome. Her little man, defying the odds.

Two-year-old Kasen may have deficits now but his mom is confident because he's still here.

"When he looked at me the first time it was like you could see the light come back in his eyes," she says.

Crazy, wild Kasen is making a comeback and his mom credits the experimental treatment, hyperbarics.

Kasen goes into the hyperbaric chamber and it delivers oxygen the little boy's body needs, at an increased pressure.

"Hyperbarics is very good because we can get a large amount of oxygen via the fluid of the body into the skull area.. and It starts to reverse that swelling," says Kevin Hurdelbrink, hyperbaric administrator.

Treatment.....after treatment....Kasen improves.

"His arms were completely straight not able to bend at all, now they're bent up," his mom says.

Along with swallowing and eye movement these small steps are huge.

"He's still a person; he's still a little kid," says Deidrah.

A little kid who still loves to sing and dance. Kasen twirls around the room.

A 2-year-old who is working to turn the past tense into present.

Kasen will undergo 40 treatments over a two-month period.

His mom says she is confident the treatments will continue to give Kasen the help he needs.

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