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'MISSING MAN': New art honors loss of fallen solider, Owasso native at TASM

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TULSA, Okla. — A public art was unveiled at the Tulsa Air and Space Museum to honor the fallen in the Air Force, like tech Sgt. Marshall Roberts.

The Owasso native was a part of the 138th Fighter Wing Division.

In 2020, Roberts was killed in the enemy fire on a campsite in Iraq.

The city of Tulsa wanted to honor the fallen soldier by making the art piece reflect Roberts and others.

Marshall’s father, Randy Roberts, said he gave his life to his job, and this piece resembled it.

“He was heavily dedicated to the Air Force and Air Guard,” Randy Roberts said.

“It’s an honor, and we’re proud,” Marshall’s sister, Karla, said.

The piece has different aspects that symbolize the 138th division.

The outline of the plane shows what Marshall represented. The blue coloring represents the sky, and the headgear in the middle of the bench is the symbol of the Oklahoma Air Guard.

Colonel Phillips, who was a brother in arms with Roberts, said this helped him heal from the loss.

“Anytime something goes missing from our formation. You know it's missed; it leaves a big hole in our heart not having Marshall with us,” Colonel Phillips said.

Marshall's family and friends said the art will not bring him back, but it will keep his service front and center in people’s minds.

Randy Roberts said with all the recognition his son gets, he would not like all the attention on him because he did what he loved.

"He would be pretty embarrassed with all the attention and accolades that he's got but deserves all of it,” Roberts said.

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