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Oklahoma representativess vote against impeaching President Trump

House Chamber
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TULSA, Okla. — Many Oklahoma representatives voted against impeaching President Donald Trump for a second time.

The House of Representatives voted to impeach the president Wednesday, making Trump the first president to be impeached by the House twice. The final vote was 232 in favor and 197 opposed.

Representatives Kevin Hern (OK-01) voted against the articles of impeachment, citing the lack of investigations.

While President Trump has less than a week left in his presidency, a Senate trial would likely take place after he has left office. An ex-post-facto impeachment would be nothing more than a fruitless action against a former President and would achieve nothing more than further deepening the divide that has gripped our nation.

Today’s vote also sets a dangerous precedent: this impeachment proceeded with zero investigations and zero hearings. This hasty rush to impeach a sitting President without any investigations should alarm all of us. President-Elect Biden has repeatedly said he seeks to heal this country – it’s time to do just that. However, today’s action did nothing but harden our divisions even further. I stand ready to find bipartisan solutions to the real problems facing our country. Impeaching President Trump from an office he no longer holds is not one of those problems.

Representative Stephanie Bice (OK-05) said she voted against impeaching Trump because she did not want to further divide the nation. She also cited that no investigations took place.

Today’s rushed vote is one for political expediency that will only impede efforts to heal the nation, and therefore I will not be voting to impeach President Trump. I will not vote to further divide this nation at a time when we should be focused on helping the American people and unifying the country.

Every American has the right to a legal defense, including the President of the United States. In bringing the articles of impeachment against President Trump, there has been no substantive investigation, or process for evidence to be brought forth from both sides for members of the House to review. Additionally, there will be no time for a trial in the Senate before the transfer of power. Every American, including President Trump, has a right to defend themselves.

Congressman Frank Lucas (OK-03) said he voted no on a resolution to impeach the president because of lack of due process.

After listening to debate and taking into account the historic precedent that Congress has longed practiced when debating articles of impeachment- be it Presidents, a sitting Cabinet Secretary, or federal Judges- I believe the process demonstrated today in the U.S. House of Representatives will have disastrous constitutional effects and peculate Congress’ power to impeach future office holders. The rush to impeach the President today egregiously forgoes any committee process and is void of any due process.

The ultimate blame for last Wednesday’s violent actions lies with those who attacked law enforcement, broke down the doors of the Capitol, and attempted to disrupt our democracy. For generations of Americans to come, I continue to pray we wake up to peaceful days ahead and healing for our Nation.

In a statement, Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04) said he voted against impeachment because he believes a proper investigation should be brought to the floor.

After the terrifying and traumatic attack that took place at the United States Capitol just a week ago, the American people desperately need to see hope and healing on our nation’s horizon. Impeaching President Donald Trump, who has conceded the election and will leave office in a week, is not the answer. Doing so will only worsen divisions nationwide.

While I realize that emotions are running high and fear is a very real enemy right now, that does not provide cause for the House to abandon the institutional process for bringing the grave matter of impeachment to the floor. Such serious action should only come after fully reviewing and investigating all the facts, engaging expert witnesses and providing due process to the accused. This is necessary to ensure the American people have confidence in the procedures that govern the House now and for generations to come. Moreover, the presidency itself demands due process in impeachment proceedings.

To be clear, the shameful perpetrators of the Capitol siege must and will be held accountable for their crimes and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Indeed, the president must also realize that his words carry meaning and accept responsibility for them. I hope that is a lesson every elected official remembers.

After voting against impeachment, Congressman Markwayne Mullin (OK-02) released a video calling for unity.

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