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Oklahoma Senator optimistic for the future of the nation

Oklahoma Capitol building
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President-elect Joe Biden is well on his way to becoming the forty-sixth President of the United States.

Recounts are underway in a few states, like Georgia, where the entire nation has it's eyes on two runoffs that will decide the U.S. Senate.

Republicans picked up five seats in the House, but Democrats still hold power there.

The interesting change to watch is in the senate, where Republicans currently hold the majority.

There are two runoff elections for both Senate seats in Georgia in January, if both seats are won by Democrats the Senate will be split evenly.

We spoke to Senator James Lankford about what he hopes to achieve under a changing government.

“There have been big things that have been done in divided government", Lankford says.

Lankford and his fellow Republican Senators are staring down a divided government for another four years.

“Just getting us all on the same page at the same time and working on the same issue is part of the challenge that we have" Lankford says.

After holding off a "blue wave" in the senate, Republicans will retain or split the chamber, opposite the Democratic led house.

Lankford tells us, “We’ve had divided government more than we’ve had united government.”

He says the divide forces diligence, a call for camaraderie across party lines.

“What I want to do is sit down to work things out and determine what can we get accomplished and work toward those essential goals", Lankford says.

Senator Lankford is setting his sights on education, national defense, and budgeting for COVID-19 relief.

To get that job done, five-hundred and thirty-five elected officials need to come together as one.

He says political progress in Oklahoma and the United States can't afford to wait four years.

“It’s just if people will actually step up and make the decision to actually fix those things, rather than just saying next election I’m going to take you out and not do anything. That’s the challenge that we’ve had", Lankford says.

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