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ON THE MIND: Did voters hear what they needed from Tulsa mayoral candidates?

Tulsa Mayoral Voters
and last updated

TULSA, Okla — Every election is about the voters.

The candidates who took the stage at the ‘Tulsa Two Step’ mayoral debate count on the voters’ trust. Whoever wins is tasked with serving the voters.

With that in mind, 2 News spoke with several voters to find out what they wanted to hear at the debate.

Bill James, a local entrepreneur, had one thing top of mind, “I’d like to see that they’re open for economic development."

He said Tulsa should be a destination for people moving out of Texas, California and New York.

Coincidentally, 2 News interviewed Ben Stewart. He moved to Tulsa a few weeks ago from New York … before living in San Francisco.

“Hoping to hear what their vision is for the future,” Stewart said, “I came to Tulsa for a reason, and I kind of wanna see who has a vision for keeping everything moving forward, and not just keeping things in the status quo. “

Stewart moved to town for Tulsa's Remote program.

These voters concerns just a sample of what 2 News heard tonight. Everything from homelessness to leadership came up.

One voter said, none of the issues matter without one important quality.

“Honesty,” longtime Tulsan Leisa Stallworth said, “You can look at a person and tell if they’re being honest and not just saying a word.”

After the hour-long debate, 2 News talked to the same voters. They each said they're satisfied; each candidate properly addressed their top priorities.

“Trying to stave off the homelessness crisis is key,” Stewart said.

As for James and the economy, “I’m pretty impressed with all three of them. On their interest in seeing economic development.”

As for Stallworth, she heard all she needed to hear.

“I pretty much made up my mind, who I’m gonna vote for,” Stallworth said, “I told you, I wanted to see their faces, I wanted to see how they spoke to the public.”

WATCH the full forum here:

Tulsa mayoral candidates debate ahead of Aug. 27 election

Voters decide the next mayor of Tulsa on August 27th.

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