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Planning for severe weather at the Tulsa State Fair

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TULSA, Okla. — We are just one day away from the opening of the Tulsa State Fair and there are storms in the forecast.

The Tulsa Area Emergency Management said keeping fair goers safe is their top priority.

“With Oklahoma weather being unpredictable at the best of times, we wanted to make sure that we’re out here to help monitor the weather,” Joseph Kralicek, executive director of Tulsa Area Emergency management agency said.

Food booths are set and rides are in place, ready to welcome thousands of Oklahomans to the 2021 Tulsa State Fair, but weather could weather could dampen the first couple of days.

“We’re looking at an unfavorable weather pattern as far as rain goes, we’re going to start seeing scattered showers throughout the next couple of days,” Kralicek said.

Kralicek's team keeps fair officials informed of weather activity, including lightning, high winds, heavy rain, and hail.

“At this time one of our biggest concerns weather-related is lightning,” he said.

If there is lightning, he said all Midway operations will shutdown. He said fairgoers can go inside any of the buildings at the fairgrounds until it passes.

His team will also monitor wind speeds and enact any necessary protocols related to tall rides, but he's hoping severe weather will not stay through the weekend.

“We’re hoping most of that blows through by Saturday morning so we can start the first weekend of the fair that we haven’t had in a long time nice and sunny, but with perfect weather for all fair attendees," he said.

They expect changes in weather conditions, so they ask that fair goers stay weather aware and dress in layers. They also recommend drinking plenty of water while you are in the fairgrounds.

For those planning on going at night, Kralicek recommends bringing a light jacket because it may get a little chilly.

“Stay a prize to the weather, keep your eyes on the forecast for the day because it is going to shift on you constantly,” he said.

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