

Porn video title listed on Oklahoma candidate's report


OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- A Republican candidate for an Oklahoma state House seat says a campaign staffer's mistake led to the title of a bondage porn video being included on his campaign finance report.

Jason Reese of Oklahoma City said Thursday an accountant he hired as his campaign treasurer inadvertently pasted the video's title into a report and filed it July 31 with the Oklahoma Ethics Commission. Reese said no campaign money was spent on pornography. The campaign didn't explain further how the mistake happened.

The error was first reported by The Lost Ogle, a satirical website that frequently lampoons Oklahoma politicians.

Reese said the accountant acknowledged making the mistake and resigned from his campaign Thursday. The accountant didn't immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

Reese is an attorney and former staffer of the Oklahoma House and state Republican Party.

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