SPERRY, Okla. — Some people living is Sperry are frustrated with the lack of mail service in the town. This caused the residents to create a petition calling for USPS to get a postal carrier to deliver to all the homes.
The people frustrated with the lack of services said their neighboring streets have mailboxes and get their mail delivered but they cannot.

Mac McCuen is one of the people who can’t get mail delivered to his home. He said he recently moved to Sperry and was shocked when he had to pay for a PO box.
“I think Sperry was put on the back burner for larger communities, like Tulsa or Owasso, and they just never gave us one back,” said McCuen.
He’s on the frontlines of the fight for mail. He said he knocked on about 60 of his neighbor’s doors with almost half sharing the same concerns.

He said while its really just an annoyance for him to drive to the post office, the problem is an accessibility issue for some of his neighbors.
“My community, you know, walking around talking to them, they're full of disabled people and elderly people. A lot of people can't get out or can't walk all the way down the street. I'm lucky enough that I can,” said McCuen.
He said he’s reached out to the post office several times, even taking his concerns to the USPS Consumer Affairs Office. They pointed him back to the post office in Sperry.
He said at one point he was told the reason he couldn’t get mail delivered to his house was because the “line travel extension was frozen.” He said he didn’t understand what that meant and didn’t get any clarification from the post office.
2 News reached out to USPS’s regional spokesperson to see if we could help get more specific answers.
USPS sent back a statement that did not give any insight into the specific problems in Sperry. Instead, the organizations said they’re working with residents on a case-by-case basis.
The Postal Service is a customer-oriented organization and always strives to provide excellent service. In this case, local postal management continues to work with residents on a case-by-case basis, to determine a suitable location for their mailboxes, in accordance with postal guidelines. We thank our customers for their patience as we continue to work toward a resolution.
McCuen said he’s not getting that one-on-one service.
“Even growing up I lived in the hills of Osage, and we got mail out there. We had rural mail carriers,” said McCuen. “I live in between the high school and the post office so I feel like I should be able to get mail.”
2 News will continue to work to get answers.
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