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Tulsa pastor: Church experiencing similar revival to Asbury

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TULSA, Okla. — As the eyes of the world were trained on a small, Christian university in Kentucky experiencing revival people around the nation began to hunger for God to move here.

"This last week when we saw it on the news and we started following it on social media, I started praying with my wife like Lord, if you can do it there, do it here." Paul Daugherty, Victory Church Pastor said.

Last weekend Daugherty says he had a sermon prepared -- but felt like God told him to scratch his plans and lean into what He was doing.

“I was wrestling with it because I was like I don't want to be a copy. I don't want people to go, oh, they are just copying Asbury," Daugherty said. "They're just trying to do what another church did." “The last thing I want to do is to try and reproduce something that's not genuine."

He says the spirit of God began to move Saturday, Feb. 18.

'People are weeping, and they are at the altar and I'm seeing businessmen and women that I have never seen come down to the front," Daugherty said.

Saturday night's service turned into 3 hours, but he says God wasn't done with his people yet — Sunday was on its way.

"That 9 a.m. service never stopped. Typically, when people leave here and the 11 a.m. service comes in we always have to have room for the traffic flow in the parking lot."

"Well, the traffic was just messed up."

'The people from the 9 a.m., many of them stayed and the 11 a.m. came in and so it was packed. People just were hungry,” said Daugherty.

Daugherty says this was fueling people and giving them something they had been thirsting for.

"It went for 3.5 days past Sunday, so it ended Wednesday night at about 9 p.m."

Daugherty says revival is happening all over the U.S.

"There's breakouts happening at Texas A&M, Baylor University, I heard God was touching Houston, universities that aren't Christian. ORU here in our city."

These revivals are coinciding with the new release of the movie, Jesus revolution - which tells the story of a national, spiritual awakening that took place in the 70s.

"I have been wondering that. I was like, how in the world did this stuff start breaking out and this movie just happens to be coming out."

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