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Senator Lankford talks SQ820, Daylight Saving Time, Intelligence Committee hearing

Posted 2:30 PM, Mar 08, 2023
and last updated 6:56 PM, Mar 08, 2023

TULSA, Okla. — U.S. Senator James Lankford talked to 2 News Today on Wednesday about several topics, including recreational marijuana, ending Daylight Saving Time, and his Senate Intelligence Committee hearing.


On Tuesday, nearly 62% of voters rejected State Question 820— meaning no recreational cannabis in Oklahoma.

Around 350,000 Oklahomans voted against the proposition, and 217,000 voted for it.

Lankford said he is glad the proposition failed, and he hopes Oklahoma continues to choose not to legalize recreational cannabis.

"In fact, we have more marijuana operations in our state than California, Oregon, and Washington combined," Lankford said. "There is no direction that you can travel that you don't run into multiple marijuana facilities. What the pro-marijuana folks are saying is that's not enough, we want more. I think Oklahomans are saying no, we have too much now, and they're pushing back on it."

Lankford stands firm on opposing recreational marijuana and argues its legalization would bring more crime to the state.

"More marijuana in our state doesn't make our families stronger, our workplaces more efficient, it doesn't make our streets safer," Lankford said. "I think Oklahomans spoke out on that pretty clearly."


Last year, Lankford and Senator Marco Rubio led an effort to "lock the clock" and end Daylight Saving Time. Called the Sunshine Protection Act, the U.S. Senate passed the initiative unanimously, but the House never voted on it.

Lankford said this year they plan to reintroduce the act and have a vote in both the House and the Senate. He cited Arizona as an example of a state that did away with the time change and seen good results.

"Arizona, by the way, doesn't have Daylight Savings, and their kids are just fine," Lankford said. "It works well in their business community. It is something that just keeps the consistency that I think a lot of folks in Oklahoma want."


Wednesday morning, Lankford attended a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Worldwide Threats. Lankford said the hearing happens once a year with the FBI director, CIA director, and other key intelligence directors, where lawmakers can talk about what they think are the countries biggest threats.

He said a public meeting takes place first and then a closed hearing where the committee learns about classified threats. Lankford expects to discuss the balloon shot down from China, the conflict in Iran and its impacts on worldwide terrorism, and the war between Russia and Ukraine.

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