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Weekend events lead state health officials to urge precautions

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The Oklahoma State Department of Health released a guidance plan Tuesday ahead of President Donald Trump's campaign rally in Tulsa planned for Saturday.

The "Make America Great Again" rally is Saturday, June 20 at the BOK Center with overflow audiences going to the Cox Convention Center. Campaign officials say people requested more than a million tickets.

READ MORE: Vice Pres. Mike Pence to join Pres. Trump for Tulsa rally

OSDH Commissioner Lance Frye, MD, wants everyone planning to attend the rally, or any large gathering to take necessary precautions.

We appreciate the President and his team of advisors for preparing temperature checks, face coverings, and hand sanitizers for Saturday’s event, and we encourage the public to closely follow all public health guidance and procedures established for the event in order to protect yourself and loved ones.

As outlined by the CDC, individuals looking to attend Saturday’s event, or any other large-scale gathering, will face an increased risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 and becoming a transmitter of this novel virus.

Here's what they say people should do:

  • Plan in advance and seek out testing at one of the state’s 80 free testing centers across the state, or with your healthcare provider, and limit interactions with others prior to attending. Once the event has concluded, please minimize social interactions and consider being tested again in the days following.
  • While attending the event, wear a cloth face covering, frequently use hand sanitizer with 60% rubbing alcohol, do not touch your face, and do your best to keep six feet of physical distance from others.
  • Be considerate of volunteers who are administering temperature checks. If you are notified of having an elevated temperature, 100.4 degrees or above, please seek out options to participate through a live stream or a recording.
  • If you are a part of a vulnerable population group, to include being of the age 65 and older, or are immunocompromised, please stay home and seek out alternative options to enjoy the event through live streaming or a recording.

To review recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on events and gatherings, click here.

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