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Medication Mix-Up: OK Pharmacist Privledges limited by OK State Pharmacy Board

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The veteran pharmacist at the center of the medication mix-up at a Bartlesville group home has had his license suspended indefinitely with a stay but not revoked.

This comes four months after the incident that sent 10 people to the hospital when they got an injection of insulin instead of the flu vaccine.

Related Story: Bartlesville group home residents taken to hospital over medication mishap

2 Works for You obtained a copy of the investigation done by the Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy.

In the report, it states pharmacist James Sutterfield violated several provisions of the Oklahoma Pharmacy Act, including professional conduct, failure to establish and maintain effective controls to prevent prescription errors or misfills, and not attempting to resolve a possible prescription error or situation of potential harm to the patient.

During the course of the investigation by the state following the Nov. 6 incident, Sutterfield was at Jacquelyn House, a group home in Bartlesville, for a monthly visit and consultation where monthly drug reviews and medication checks were performed.

Sutterfield later returned to the group home to issue flu shots to several people.

The report says the vaccine, brought in a cooler by Sutterfield, was then put in the fridge until he was ready to give out the shots.

The document goes on to say when Sutterfield went to grab the vial, he did not check the label and proceeded to administer what he believed was the flu vaccine.

The suspension is immediate under these terms and conditions:

-Sutterfield can no longer dispense medications for the foreseeable future
-Must attend 8 hour law seminar
-$23,400 fine
-Immunizations certificate permanently revoked
-Sutterfield can be a Pharmacy consultant but cannot dispense medications.

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