

Tulsa woman claims suspect accused of taking patrol car on chase assaulted her prior to the incident

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TULSA - A Tulsa woman alleges John Pinney assaulted her just hours before he was arrested for allegedly stealing a police car Monday night. 

Melinda Holmes says she was helping a friend get on a bus near the east side of Tulsa. She says Pinney tried to steal her car. She says when she tried to get him out, he threw her across the parking lot.

"You're not going to get away with this one, not me," Holmes said.

Holmes says it began at an east Tulsa intersection Monday night. She says she was approached by John Pinney.

"I noticed him double back and he's, like, running," Holmes said. "So, I walk to the front of the car and he's in the drivers seat in the car."

That's when she says she took action.

"I grabbed him and I said, 'No,' he said, 'Oh.' He pushed me back and then that's when I flew across the parking lot and dislocated my shoulder.'"

The mental health therapist got up and got into her car. She says she wanted to find him to get a picture for police.

"I would have never thought in a million years that some random person would just go and do what he did," Holmes said

While waiting to file a report with police, Holmes says another woman showed up at the same location with a shattered windshield.

"The same guy attacked me, he threw something at our car," the woman told Holmes. 

Tuesday morning after getting home from the hospital, Holmes saw the news about Pinney's Facebook Live inside the officers unit.

"I recognized that was him, same everything," she said. 

Now, she's says she's working with police and wants assault and battery to be added to Pinney's long list of charges.

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