

Chris Christie joins Donald Trump in OKC

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The March 1 primaries in Oklahoma and several other states are just days away and that's leading many presidential hopefuls and big name surrogates to make stops in the Sooner State.

Chris Christie endorsed Donald Trump Friday morning and then hit the campaign trail with him as he made a stop in Oklahoma City.

"America needs a strong leader who's going to restore American strength around the world. Donald Trump is that man," Christie said in his introduction to Trump.

The endorsement is helpful to both men. Christie getting some of the attention back that he lost when he dropped out of the race and Donald Trump scoring a major political endorsement while also taking attention away from rivals Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Both senators targeted Trump in Thursday night's CNN debate, asking that he release his tax records.

In Oklahoma, Trump hit many of his main themes– targeting some of his message to the local crowd.

"You people, you love your guns don't you?" Trump said while speaking in support of gun rights.

Trump also spoke about building a wall between the US and Mexico, making trade more beneficial to the United States and ending Obamacare. The crowd seemed pleased with his comments against Common Core and in favor fighting terror– even by means some view as torture.

"[Debate moderators] come to me 'what do you think about water boarding?.'" Trump said. "I think it's just fine."

Trump's message resonating with some in the crowd.

Lynda Griffin, a self-described Democrat and former Hillary Clinton supporter, said Trump won her support at the event.

"Hillary Clinton, I've been a supporter for a long time. However, she's not showing how she's going to be able to bring the jobs back," Griffin said.

But Trump didn't win over everyone in the crowd. An Oklahoma City University student in the crowd was unimpressed with Trump's rhetoric.

"He said nothing specific. It was all really general. He did nothing to sway me," said Nathan Thaler, a Trump event attendee.

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