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Tulsa police arrest accused serial rapist

Christopher Rogers.jpg

TULSA, Okla — Police arrested Christopher Rogers outside of his residence by the Tulsa Police Department on Friday morning at about 10.

Evidence ties him to three rapes, the first one having occurred in 2022 and the most recent having occurred on September 14.

DNA and video evidence tied Rogers to each of the women that came forward with their accounts.

Lieutenant Darin Ehrenrich is head of the Tulsa Police Department Special Victims Unit.

He said Rogers targeted women who were already susceptible to violence in their lives.

"Individuals that pick victims like that generally think that nobody cares what's gonna happen to them, or that the case is not gonna be taken as seriously" said Ehrenrich.

"Every one of these cases is important, and regardless of the facts of your case, I think it's important to know we take every case seriously."

Below, Lt. Ehrenrich shares details of the three rape cases:

Lt. Ehrenrich outlines rape incidents

Lt. Ehrenrich said being careful of who you trust can help stay safe from incidents like these.

He said people who commit these kinds of crimes can be hard to spot.

"They can be charming and they can make you think they are a safe person to get in the car with and they can lull you into a sense of safety," said Ehrenrich.

He said this is an ongoing investigation, so he hopes people will feel comfortable coming forward if there are.

"I believe the potential for more victims is always there."

He urges anyone who has information they would like to share to contact the Tulsa Police Department's Special Victims Unit at (918) 596-9168.

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