NewsProblem Solvers


Road works leaves Tulsa man's driveway damaged

Problem Solvers

TULSA, Okla. — Road construction is a necessary growing pain in many areas of town. Most say the results are worth it.

But 2News Oklahoma Problem Solvers tell us about a Tulsa taxpayer, who didn't think he was getting his money's worth when crews damaged his property.

It's almost been a decade now, since Cecil Frazier bought this property in North Tulsa, and fixed it up.

For Cecil, it's a family thing.

"This is a place where my grandkids come to ride horses and play and stuff like that."

A few years ago, road crews did some fixing up of their own, widening the street that runs in front of Cecil's place.

A much-needed project. Except Cecil says the heavy equipment crews used damaged the end of his driveway.

Ever since, he says heavy rains flood the area, washes away the dirt, causing the driveway to collapse.

Cecil found that out the hard way.

"I go to turn into my driveway, dropped down and it tore part of my truck apart."

A couple hundred-dollar repair, that Cecil says he's had to repeat several times, even though he's brought in materials to try to firm up the end of his driveway.

Cecil says he's called the city at least two or three dozen times during the last four years.

"People come out and you call them back to see what they've come up with, what they're going to do, we're going to do his, and that, but it's just blowing in the wind."

Adding insult to injury, Cecil says it wasn't long ago he saw crews working a way down the street, at a neighbor's.

"It made me mad when I left the house and I go down the road and they dug out a whole ditch which didn't need digging out and put in a whole new driveway for him, but I can't get anything done. All I want them to do is come out and fix what they messed up."

Cecil admits he's thought of just moving. But remember, this place is fun for his family.

"This is home, but I don't want to keep tearing up my truck."

Finally, Cecil called the Problem Solvers, and we got in touch with the city. After researching Cecil's complaints, a representative told us that the street improvement project was actually done by the county. So we contacted them. A rep there quickly told us county crews would get to Cecil's as soon they could. And within days, the repairs were complete.

Cecil sent us this picture of his driveway, saying he's very satisfied and grateful.

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