

Cherokee County man accused of sexually assaulting 13-year-old niece


CHEROKEE COUNTY, Okla. – Authorities were able to locate the handicapped girl who is believed to have been sexually assaulted by a close relative.

Billy Hershel Smith was arrested this week by Cherokee County authorities after he allegedly released a pornographic video of the underage girl performing oral sex on an adult man.

Deputies and FBI agents identified Smith as the adult man in the video and arrested him on November 2. The girl was identified as Smith’s 13-year-old niece who was locked in a room, sleeping on a dirty bed when they found her.

Smith allegedly told authorities that his niece’s medical issues were “terminal” and that she had the mentality of a three or four year old. He also allegedly told authorities that the girl was molested by her father before being sent to be in Smith’s care.

Authorities say they anticipate charging Smith with child sexual abuse and production of child pornography.

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