

Chesapeake subsidiary sues AEP over unpaid bill


OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- A subsidiary of Chesapeake Energy Corp. has sued an American Energy Partners company claiming it is owed more than $1 million.

The Journal Record reportsthat AEP-affiliated American Energy - NonOp LLC agreed last year to a 25 percent stake in a new Washita County oil well owned by Chesapeake and Samson Resources. Chesapeake's lawyers say that when it came time to pay, AENO did not send a check.

Sales from the oil well began Sept. 28, 2014. A month later, AENO allegedly owed more than $1.2 million in joint interest billings.

In an emailed statement, AENO says it will defend the case and pursue claims the company has against other parties.

American Energy Partners was founded by Aubrey McClendon after he left Chesapeake, which he also founded.

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