

Cavalier player says OKC hotel has bed bugs


OKLAHOMA CITY – A hotel reportedly famous for its ghost tales is now hosting a new itchy story. 

Many were confused when Cleveland Cavalier Kyrie Irving left the basketball game against the Thunder early. It turns out, he had an interesting excuse: bed bugs.

Irving was staying at the Skirvin Hilton, one of Oklahoma City’s oldest hotels, which, according to KFOR,is notorious for housing ghosts but not pests.

Unfortunately for Irving, he claims he had little to no sleep the night before the game because of the bugs.

“I got like three hours. Just imagine how freaked out you’d be if you saw freaking five big a$$ bed bugs just sitting on your pillow. I woke up itching, and I’m just looking around. I’m like, 'Dude, are you serious right now?’” Irving said. 

KFOR reports that an inspector with the Oklahoma City County Health Department went to the hotel Tuesday afternoon.

“They were already doing a heat treatment, which is the most effective treatment, way to take care of the problem. So, we weren’t actually able to verify it, but they did tell us that they did find bed bugs in the room,” said Troy Skow with the OCCHD.

The hotel says they only found bed bugs in the one room but not in any surrounding rooms.

According to City County health officials, the last reported bed bug incident was in 2013 but an inspector was not able to locate any of the creepy crawlers.

“So, it was either very minute of a problem, or it was nonexistent,” Skow said.

KFOR reports that there are 233 licensed hotels in OKC and of those 233, there have been 57 bed bug complaints. Only nine were verified, however.

“Any time you’ve got a hotel with these number of rooms, you’re going to bet some bed bug problems,” Skow said.

The hotel extended their apologies to Irving, however, and said they are taking the matter very seriously.

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