

3 month Fitness contest crowns two $1500 winner


At the end of 2014, Henry Forest and Laura Pittman found themselves struggling to cope with the difficulties of life and decided to make a change.

For separate reasons, both Forest and Pittman turned to a life of pursuing fitness and health which resulted in a cash prize of $1500.00 from the Fitness Coalition of Oklahoma.

Brian Morris created the competition spanning over multiple gyms to draw people into a life of fitness and says that the goal is for them to maintain that lifestyle.

“When I was younger I entered in a competition  just like this, but didn't win. Soon after, I realized that even though I didn't win it would change my life and it did,” Morris said.

The Fitness Coalition of Oklahoma is made up of several small gyms across Tulsa who personalize workouts for individuals hoping to get fit and the organization has grown with the expansion of Ashley's List, a local Tulsa business that links community members together through business ventures of all kinds.

The “90 Day Challenge” began as a method to help Tulsans meet New Year resolutions of getting into shape, but has slowly helped aid more people turn their lives around

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