Below are images of some of the storm damage from around the area Saturday overnight.
Read and watch the latest weather updates here.
Tree damage near 91st and Harvard
Storm damage near 115th & Locust, Jenks
Trees down near 81st and Garnett
Trees down near 81st and Memorial
One of the worst areas of damages was at a home where a power pole fell on a house and made a hole. There’s insulation all over there hallway and ceiling falling.
1700 block of South Narcissus Place.
Apparent tornado damage in Sapulpa
Broken Arrow -- Power lines in Broken Arrow
Power pole Broken Arrow
Broken Arrow - 81st and Jackson Place
Storm damage report 101st and Delaware in south Tulsa
Broken Arrow - near 91st and Aspen
Sapulpa - Near 10 North Water
Broken Arrow - photo from Joshua Anderson
Tornado damage and debris 71st between elm and Lynn lane - from Chelsea Anderson:
Sapulpa - from Missy Venable Davis
81st between Sheridan and Memorial, steeple off - from Rachel Obadiah
Roof is gone here in Sapulpa - Casey Chesser
86th between Memorial and Sheridan - from Craig Crutchfield
101st/Memorial - from Tiffany Sauceda
At 117 and Ridge Road on the corner - Jennifer Buck-Jones
6715 E 97th St - Tree uprooted in front yard blocking a portion of 97th.
In Jenks, just south of 121st Street on South Elm. Right behind the Casey's general store:
Bent street light & downed power lines across Creek Turnpike just west of Jenks. Turnpike is shut down:
Area around Cleveland & Apple Streets has a lot of trees & limbs down. Some on homes. This is right next to Sapulpa Middle School.
Sapulpa damage: